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Estudo de Necessidades de Informação: dos paradigmas tradicionais à abordagem Sense-Making
01.ALLEN, T.J. (1969) Information needs and uses. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, v.4, p.3-29.
02. BELKIN, N.J. (1984) Cognitive models and information transfer. Social Science Information Studies, v.4, n.2/3, p.111-130, jul.
03. BELKIN, N.J. ; ODDY, R.N. (1978). Document retrieval base on the automatic determination of the user's information needs. Journal of Informatics, v2, n.1, p.8-11.
04. BELKIN, N.J.; ODDY, R.N. ; BROOKS, H.M. (1982) ASK for Information Retrieval: Part I - Background and theory. Journal of Documentation, v.38, n.2, p.61-71, jun.1982.
05. BELKIN, N.J. ; ODDY, R.N. ; BROOKS, H.M. (1982) ASK for Information Retrieval: Part II - Results of a design study. Journal of Documentation, v.38, n.3, p.145-164, set.
06. BROWN, M.E. (1991). A general model of inormation-seeking behavior. In: Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science, p. 9- 14.
07. CARTER, R. (1989). What does a gap imply?. Paper prepared for panel, "Finding a more powerful analytic for comparative research: using the gap idea in crosSócultural research". Intercultural and Development Communication Division, International Communication Association Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
08. CARTER, R. (1980). Discontinuity and communication. Paper written for the seminar on communication from Eastern and Westerns sponsored by the East-West Communication Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu, HI.
09. CHEN, Ching-chih; HERNON, M.P. (1982). Information seeking: assessing and anticipating user needs. New York: Neal-Schuman.
10. CHILDERS, T. (1982). Personal Maintenance and Personal Growth. In.: SWENEY, G.P., ed. Information and the Transformation of Society. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
11. DERVIN, B. (1976) Strategies for dealing with human information needs: information or communication? Journal of Broadcasting, v.20, p.324-333.
12. DERVIN, B. (1977) Useful theory for librarianship: communication, not information. Drexel Library Quarterly, v.13, n.3, p.16-32.
13. DERVIN, B. (1979) Meeting individual informing needs in the midts of the information explosion of the 1980's. Colloquium - Visiting Lecture Series of the All University Gereontology Program. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University.
14. DERVIN, B. (1980). Communication gaps and inequities: moving toward a reconceptualization. In: DERVIN, B. ; VOIGHT, M.J., ed. Progress in Communication Sciences, v.2. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
15. DERVIN, B. (1983a) An overview of Sense-Making research: concepts, methods and results to date. In: International Communications Association Annual Meeting. Dallas, May.
16. DERVIN, B. (1983b). Information as a user construct: the relevance of perceived information needs to synthesis and interpretation. In: WARD, S.A.; RED, L.J., ed. Knowledge Structure and Use: implication for synthesis and interpretation. Philadelphia: Temple University, Press. p.153-83.
17. DERVIN, B. (1989). User as research inventions: how research categories perpetuate inequities. Journal of Communication, v.39, n.3, p.216-32.
18. DERVIN, B. (1992). From the mind's eye of the user: the sense-making qualitative-quatitative methodology. In: Jack D. GLAZIER, J.D.; POWELL, R.R. Qualitative Research in Information Management. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. p.61-84.
19. DERVIN, B. (1994). Information <-> Democracy : an examination o undrlying assumptions. Journal of the American Socity for Information Science, v.45, n.6, p. 369-87.
20. DERVIN, B. (1997). A guide to the approach to user research system design information practice. Texto produzido para o workshop Desing de BibliotecasVirtuais centrado no usuário: a abordagem do 'Sense-Making' para estudo de necessidades e comportamento de busca e uso das informação. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo/Escola de Comunicações e Artes.
21. DERVIN, B.; CLARK, K.D. (1989). Communication as cultural identity: the invntion mandate. Media Development, v.36, n.2, p.5-8.
T.L.; NILAN, M.S. (1982). Measuring aspects of information seeking: a test
of quantitative-qualitative methodology. In.: BURGOON, M., ed. Communication
Yearbook. Beverly Hills, Ca: Sage. v.6, p.419-44.
23. DERVIN, B.; NILAN, M.S., JACOBSON, T.L. (1981). Improving predictions of information use: a comparison o predictor types in a health communication setting. In: BURGOON, M. ed. Communication Yearbook. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books. v.5, p.807-30.
24. DERVIN, B. ; NILAN, M. (1986) Information needs and uses. In: M. Williams., ed. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, v.21, p.3-33.
25. FAIBISOFF, S.G.; ELY, D.P. (1976). Information and information needs. Information Reports and Bibliographies, v.5, p.2-16.
26. FERREIRA, S.M.S.P. Redes eletrônicas e Necessidades de informação: a abordagem do Sense-Making para estudo de usuários do Instituto de F'sica da USP. São Paulo, Tese (Doutoramento) -- Escola de Comunicaçes e Ar~tes, Universidade de São Paulo.
27. FERREIRA, S.M.S.P.(1995) Novos paradigmas de informação e novos percepções de usuário. Ciência da Informação, v.2, n.3, p.243.
28. FISHER, R. (1982) Common problems in library resources for off-campus students. In: CROCKER, C., ed. Library services in distance education. Brisbane: Library Association of Australia.
29. FORD, N. (1980). Relating "Information Needs" to learner characteristics in higher education. Journal of Documentation, v.36, n.2, p.99-114
30. FORD, N. (1983) Knowledge structures in human and machine - their representation and interaction. Social Science Information Studies, v.3, p.209-22.
31. JAMES, R. (1983) Libraries in the mind: how can we users perceptions of libraries? Journal of Librarianship, v.15, n.1, p.19-28.
32. KENNEY, L. (1966). The implications of the needs of users for the design of a catalogue: a survey at the International Labour Office. Journal of Documentation, v.22, n.3, p.195-202.
33. KRIKELAS, J. (1983) Information-seking behavior: patterns and concepts. Drexel Library Quarterly, v.19, n.2, p.5-20.
34. KUHLTHAU, C.C. (1993) Seeking meaning: a process approach to library and information services. Norwood: Ablex.
35. LINE, M.B. (1971) The information uses and needs of social scientists: an overview of INFROSS. Aslib Proceedings, v.23, p.412-434.
36. MARTYN, J. (1974) Information needs and uses. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, v.9, p.3-23.
37. MICK, C.K.; LINDSEY, G.N.; CALLAHAN, D. (1980). Toward usable user studies. Journal of the ASIS, v.31, n.5, p.347-56.
38. ORTON, L.; WISEMAN, J. (1977) Library services to part-time students. Canadian Library Journal, v.34, n.1, p.23-27.
39. PAISLEY, W. (1980) Information and work. In: Dervin, Brenda ; Voigt, Melvin, ed. Progress in Communication Sciences. Norwood/NJ: Ablex Publishing. v.2.
40. PAISLEY, W.J. : PARKER, E.B. (1967) Scientific information exchange scientific at an interdisciplinary behavioral science convention. Stanford, CA: Stanford University, Institute for Communication Research.
41. PENLAND, P.R. (1976). Learning pattern of librarian clients. Pittsburg, PA: Pittsburgh University.
42. PRINGGOADISURYO, L. (1984) Stimulating the use of information in a developing country. In: A Van der Lann ; A.A. Winters, eds. The use of information in a changing world. Proceedings of the 42nd FID Congress, The Hague, Netherlands.
43. RIEGER, J.H. ; ANDERSON, R.C. (1968). Informations service and need hierarchies of an adult population in five Michigan Counties. Adult Education Journal, v.18, p.155-75.
44. ROHDE, N.F. (1986) Information needs. In: W. Simonton, ed. Advances in Librarianship, v.14, p.49-73. New York: Academic Press.
45. ROUSE, W.B.; ROUSE, S.H. (1984). Human information seeking and design of information systems. Information Processing and Management, v.20, n.1-2, p.129-38.
46. STONE, S. (1982). Humanities scholars: information needs and uses. Journal of Documentation, v.38, n.4, p.292-313.
47. TAYLOR, R.S. (1968) Questions-negotiation and information seking in libraries. College and Research Libraries, v.29, n.3, p.178-94.
48. TAYLOR, R.S. (1984) Value-add processes in documeenete bases systems: abstracting and indexing services. Information services and uses, v.4, n.3, p. 127-46.
49. TAYLOR, R.S. (1986) Value-added processes in information system. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
50. WARNER, E.S.; MURRAY, A.D., PALMOUR, V.E. (1973). Information needs of urban residents. Washington, DC: U.S. Departmenet of Health, Education and Welfare.
51. WILSON, T.D. (1981) On user studies and information needs. Journal of Documentation, v.37, n.1, p.3-15, Mar.
B. (1977) Public library use, users, uses: advances in knowldge of the
characteristics and needs of the clientele of American Public Libraries.
In: M.J. Voigt; M.H. Karris, eds. Advances in Librarianship. New
York: Academic Press. v.7.
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