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A Bibliografia é
composta por textos escritos por Brenda Dervin, em co-autoria ou não.
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do mais recente (1997) para o mais antigo (1965)
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com asterisco e a disposição de quem quiser consultar.
Dervin, B. (1997 1). (In press, expected 1997). Given a context by any other name: Methodological tools for taming the unruly beast. In P.Vakkari, R. Savolainen, & B. Dervin (Eds.), Information seeking in context, London, UK: Taylor Graham.
Dervin, B. (1997 2). (In press, expected 1997). Chaos, order, and Sense-Making: A proposed theory for information design. In R. Jacobson (Ed.), Information Design, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Dervin, B., & Fraser, B. (1997 3). (In press, expected 1997). Helps users obtain from their library visits. In J. B. Whitlatch (Ed.), Reference assessment manual, Ann Arbor, MI: Pierian Press (ALA Reference & Adult Services Division Evaluation Committee).
Dervin, B., & Huesca, R. (1997 4). (In press, expected 1997). The participatory communication for development narrative: An examination of meta-theoretic assumptions and their impacts. In T. L. Jacobson, & J. Servaes (Eds.), Theoretical approaches to participatory communication, Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press (International Association for Mass Communication Research book series).
Dervin, B., & Shields, V. R. (1997 5). (In press, expected 1997). Communication: Overview. Women's Studies Encyclopaedia, New York and London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Vakkari, P., Savolainen, R., & Dervin, B. (Eds.). (1997 6). (In press, expected 1997). Information seeking in context. London, UK: Taylor Graham.
Dervin, B. (1996 1). Given a context by any other name: Methodological tools for taming the unruly beast. Keynote address at ISIC 96 -- Conference on Information Needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts, Department of Information Studies University of Tampere and Finnish Association of Library and Information Science, August 14-17. (This paper is published as1997-1).
Dervin, B. (1996 2). Information needs and information seeking: The search for questions behind the research agenda. Research agenda paper for UCLA-NSF Workshop on Social Aspects of Digital Libraries, Los Angeles, CA., February 16-17. (Paper dated January 7, 1996). (Available on-line at
Dervin, B., Bates, M., Case, D., Fidel, R., Kuhlthau, C., & Marchionini, G. (1996 3). Report of the break-out group on Information Needs and Information Seeking at the UCLA-NSF Workshop on Social Aspects of Digital Libraries, Los Angeles, CA, February 16-17. (Report dated April 9, 1996).
Dervin, B., & Huesca, R. (1996 4). The participatory communication for development narrative: An examination of meta-theoretical assumptions and their impacts. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the International Association for Mass Communication Research, Sydney, Australia, August 18-22.
Huesca, R., & Dervin, B. (1996 5). Rethinking the journalistic interview: Empowering sources to name the world. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC, August. (This paper is published as 1997-4).
Shields, P., & Dervin, B. (1996 6). Telephone privacy from the perspective of residential users: A preliminary exploration. Paper presented at bi-annual meeting of the International Association for Mass Communication Research, Sydney, Australia, August 18-22.
Dervin, B. (1995 1). The relationship of user-centered evaluation to design: Addressing issues of productivity and power. Bulletin of the Associate for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Office Automation Systems, 15 (2, December), 42-46.
Dervin, B. (1995 2). The relationship of user-centered evaluation to design: Addressing issues of productivity and power. Comments delivered at 37th Allerton Institute on How We Do User-Centered design and Evaluation of Digital Libraries: A Methodological Forum, Allerton Park and Conference Center, University of Illinois, Monticello, IL, October 31. (Available online at
* Dervin, B. (1994 1). Information<---->democracy: An examination of underlying assumptions. Journal of American Society for Information Science, 45 (6), 369-385. [disponível para consulta na biblioteca do Grupo]
Dervin, B. (1994 2). [Review of the book Why information systems fail: A case study approach]. Prometheus, 12 (2, December), 268-270.
* Huesca, R., & Dervin, B. (1994 3). Theory and practice in Latin Americanalternative communication research. Journal of Communication, 44 (4, Autumn), 53-73. [disponível para consulta na biblioteca do Grupo]
* Dervin, B. (1994 4). Whose effects are they anyway? Or, how can you find effects in all this fog? In C. J. Hamelink, & O. Linne (Eds.), Mass communication research: On problems and policies: The art of asking the right questions (Festschrift honoring James D. Halloran), (pp. 121-129). Norwood, NJ: Ablex. [disponível para consulta na biblioteca do Grupo]
Dervin, B. (1993 1). Verbing communication: Mandate for disciplinary invention. Journal of Communication, 43 (3), 45-54. (Reprinted in M. R. Levy, & M. Gurevitch (Eds.). (1994). Defining media studies (pp. 53-62). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press).
Dervin, B. (1993 2). [Review of the book Chaos bound: Orderly disorder in contemporary literature and science]. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 10 (4), 439-440.
Dervin, B. (1993 3). [Review of the book Communication and citizenship: Journalism and the public sphere in the new media age]. European Journal of Communication, 8 (3, September), 388-390.
Dervin, B. (1993 4). [Review of the book The information world of retired women]. Library Quarterly, 63 (4), 532-533.
* Dervin, B., Osborne, T., Jaikumar Mahey, P., Huesca, R., & Higgins, J. (1993 5). Toward a communication theory of dialogue. Media Development, XL (2), 54-61. [disponível para consulta na biblioteca do Grupo]
Shields, P., Dervin, B., Richter, C., & Soller, R. E. (1993 6). Who needs "POTS-plus" services?: A comparison of residential user needs along the rural-urban continuum. Telecommunication Policy, 17 (8, November), 563-587.
Shields, V. R., & Dervin, B. (1993 7). Sense-making in feminist social science research: A call to enlarge the methodological options of feminist studies. Women's Studies International Forum, 16 (1), 65-81.
Dervin, B. (1993 8). Dallas Smythe: Epilogue as prologue. In J. Wasko, V. Mosco, & M. Pendakur (Eds.), Illuminating the blindspots: Essays honoring Dallas W. Smythe, (pp. 401-409). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
* Dervin, B., & Clark, K. D. (1993 10). Communication and democracy: A mandate for procedural invention. In S. Splichal, & J. Wasko (Eds.), Communication and Democracy, (pp. 103-140). Norwood, NJ: Ablex. [disponível para consulta na biblioteca do Grupo]
Dervin, B., & Hariharan, U. (Eds.). (1993 11). Progress in Communication Sciences (Vol. 11). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers.
Dervin, B., Osborne, T., Jaikumar Mahey, P., Huesca, R., & Higgins, J. (1993 12). Dialogue as communication: The in-between of modernity/post-modernity. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC., May. (Published as 1993-5).
* Dervin, B. (1992 1). From the mind's eye of the user: The sense-making qualitative-quantitative methodology. In J. D. Glazier, & R. R. Powell (Eds.), Qualitative research in information management, (pp. 61-84). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. [disponível para consulta na biblioteca do Grupo]
Dervin, B., Jaikumar Mahey, P., Osborne, T., Huesca, R., & Higgins, J. (1992 2). The problematics of dialogue: Some ideas in the process of becoming. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association of Mass Communication Research, Guaruja, Brazil, August.
Dervin, B., & Lane, E. S. (1992 3). Information for real people. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Pittsburgh, PA, October.
Shields, P., Dervin, B., Richter, C., Soller, R. E., & Creatura, L. (1992 4). Who needs "POTS-plus" services?: A comparison of residential user needs along the rural-urban continuum. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association of Mass Communication Research, Guaruja, Brazil, August.
Shields, P., Dervin, B., Soller, R. E., & Richter, C. (1992 5). A comparison of the use and uses of 'POTS-plus' services by urban, urbanized rural, and rural residential telephone users in Ohio. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Miami, FL, May. (This paper is an earlier version of 1992-4 and is published as 1993-5).
Dervin, B. (1991 1). Comparative theory reconceptualized: From entities and states to processes and dynamics. Communication Theory, 1 (1), 59-69.
* Dervin, B. (1991 2). Information as non-sense; information as sense: The communication technology connection. In H. Bouwman, P. Nelissen, & M. Voojis (Eds.), Tussen vrag end Aanbod, (pp. 44-59). Amsterdam, Holland: Otto Cramwinckel Uitgever te. [disponível para consulta na biblioteca do Grupo]
Dervin, B. (Ed.). (1991 3). Progress in Communication Sciences (Vol. 10). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers.
Dervin, B. (1991 4). The content analysis of Sense-Making responses: An introduction to methodology and method. Unpublished manuscript.
Dervin, B. (1991 5). Design for focus groups for phone user constituency groups. Unpublished report.
Dervin, B., & Shields, P. (1991 6). Users: The missing link in technology research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association of Mass Communication Research meeting, Bled, Yugoslavia, August.
Shields, V. R., & Dervin, B. (1991 7). Making sense of methodology: On feminist scholarship and sense-making research. Paper presented at the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL, May.
Dervin, B. (1990 1). Journalism procedure as ideology. Paper presented at seminar on models of journalism-west, east, and south, International Journalism Institute, Budapest, Hungary, August 21-23.
Dervin, B. (1990 2). Communication: Society's glue, for better, for worse. Paper presented at PUGE '90, Finnish Communication Conference, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, November.
Dervin, B., & Isgro, K. (1990 3). Illusions of equality, reifications of inequality: Problems in leadership research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dublin, Ireland, June.
* Dervin, B. (1989 1). Users as research inventions: How research categories perpetuate inequities. Journal of Communication, 39 (3), 216-232. [disponível para consulta na biblioteca do Grupo]
* Dervin, B., & Clark, K. D. (1989 2). Communication as cultural identity: The invention mandate. Media Development, 36 (2), 5-8. [disponível para consulta na biblioteca do Grupo]
Dervin, B. (1989 3). Audience as listener and learner, teacher and confidante: The sense-making approach. In R. Rice, & C. Atkin (Eds.), Public Communication Campaigns (2nd edition), (pp. 67-86). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Dervin, B., Grossberg, L., O'Keefe, B., & Wartella, E. (Eds.). (1989 4). Rethinking Communication: Vol. I: Issues. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Dervin, B., Grossberg, L., O'Keefe, B., & Wartella, E. (Eds.). (1989 5). Rethinking Communication: Vol. II: Paradigm exemplars. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Dervin, B., & Voigt, M. (Eds.). (1989 6). Progress in Communication Sciences (Vol. 9). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers.
Dervin, B., & Hariharan, U. (1989 7). The communication needs of the hispanic population of the Los Angeles area: Report #2: A survey of the information/communication needs and perceptions of church of a sample of hispanics living in a three-county LA area. (Report to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, CA, February).
Dervin, B. (1988 1). The world communication structure: Contradictions, communication, invention, and community. Sogang Journal of Media and Culture: Annual Review of the Sogang (Seoul, Korea) University Research Institute of Media and Culture, 6, 113-126.
* Dervin, B. (1988 2). La estructura mundial de la información: contradicciones, communicación y communidad. In El Día en Libros, Il Foro Internacional de Communicacion, (pp. 49-56). Mexico City, Mexico: Sociedad Cooperative Publicaciones Mexicanas, S.C.L. [disponível para consulta na biblioteca do Grupo]
Waldron, V., & Dervin, B. (1988 3). Sense-making as a framework for knowledge acquisition. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Ann Arbor, MI.
Dervin, B., Pilotta, J., Clark, K., Waldron, V., Shields, V., Albarran, A., & Hariharan, U. (1988 4). Report #1: Questionnaire transcriptions: Citizen communication needs and perceptions of risk relating to the Union Town toxic waste site. (Report presented to Dr. Kim Mortenson, Chief, Division of Epidemiology, Bureau of Preventive Medicine, Ohio Department of Health, September).
Dervin, B., Waldron, V., Shields, V., Hariharan, U., Albarran, A., Teboul, B., & Clark, K. D. (1988 5). Report #2: Final report: Citizen communication needs and perceptions of risk relating to the Union Town toxic waste site. (Report presented to Dr. Kim Mortenson, Chief, Division of Epidemiology, Bureau of Preventive Medicine, Ohio Department of Health, September).
Dervin, B. (1987 1). The potential contribution of feminist scholarship to the field of communication. Journal of Communication, 37 (4), 107-120.
Dervin, B., & Voigt, M. (Eds.). (1987 2). Progress in Communication Sciences (Vol. 8). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers.
Dervin, B., & Clark, K. D. (1987 3). Facilitation or hindrance: Patient assessment of answers in health care visits. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May.
Dervin, B., & Clark, K. D. (1987 4). ASQ: Asking significant questions: Accountability and needs assessment tools for public libraries: Technical report. (A publication of the Peninsula Library System, 25 Tower Road, Belmont, CA. 94002). Sacramento, CA: California State Library. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 286 519).
Dervin, B., & Dewdney, P. (1986 1). Neutral questioning: A new approach to the reference interview. RQ, 25 (4), 506-5l3.
Dervin, B., & Nilan, M. (1986 2). Information needs and uses: A conceptual and methodological review. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 21, 3-33.
Dervin, B., & Voigt, M. (Eds.). (1986 3). Progress in Communication Sciences (Vol. 7). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers.
Dworkin, M., & Dervin, B. (1986 4). Making sense with television news: A constructivist inquiry into situational interpretations of audiences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL, May.
Dervin, B., & Voigt, M. (Eds.). (1985 1). Progress in Communication Sciences (Vol. 6). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers.
Dworkin, M., & Dervin, B. (1985 2). A perspective on the convergence of two paradigms: British cultural studies and uses and gratifications. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Honolulu, HI, May.
Dervin, B., & Fraser, B. (1985 3). How libraries help. (A publication of the Department of Communication, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA). Sacramento, CA: California State Library, October. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 264 857).
Dervin, B. (1984 1). A theoretic perspective and research approach for generating research helpful to communication practice. Public Relations Research Education, 1 (1, Winter), 30-45.
Dervin, B., & Voigt, M. (Eds.). (1984 2). Progress in communication sciences (Vol. 5). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers.
Dervin, B., Nilan, M., & Martin, M. (1984 3). Research for responsive media design: An example. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, CA, May.
Dervin, B., Ellyson, S., Hawkes, G., Guagnano, G., & White, N. (1984 4). Information needs of Californians: Report #1: Technical report. (A publication of the Institute of Governmental Affairs, University of California, Davis, CA, November). Sacramento, CA: California State Library. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 267 801).
Dervin, B. (1984 5). Information needs of Californians: Report #2: Context, summary, conclusions, implications, applications. (A publication of the Institute of Governmental Affairs, University of California, Davis, CA, September). Sacramento, CA: California State Library. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 267 801).
Dervin, B. (1983 1). More will be less unless: A call for the scientific humanization of information systems. National Forum: The Phi Kappa Phi Journal, 63 (3), 20-21 (Reprinted 1988; also reprinted in: Communicator, Journal of Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, India, 1987, Spring, pp.14-18; and as Meer' zal 'minder' zijn, tenzij. Translated in: De wetenschaoppelijke vermenselijking can informatiesystemen, Kultuurleven, Journal of the Centrum voor Communicatiewetenschappen, Leuven, Belgium, 1988, 9, 813-816).
* Dervin, B. (1983 2). Information as a user construct: The relevance of perceived information needs to synthesis and interpretation. In S. A. Ward, L. J. Reed (Eds.), Knowledge structure and use: Implications for synthesis and interpretation, (pp. l53-l83). Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. Dervin, B., & Voigt, M. (Eds.). (1983 3). Progress in Communication Sciences (Vol. 4). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers. [disponível para consulta]
Dervin, B. & Voigt, M. (Eds) (1983 3). Progress in Communication Sciences (vol.4). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers.
* Dervin, B. (1983 4). An overview of sense-making research: Concepts, methods and results. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dallas, TX, May. [disponível para consulta]
Dervin, B. (1982 1). Citizen access as an information equity issue. In J. R. Schement, & M. A. Sirbu Jr. (Eds), Telecommunications Policy Research Annual, (pp. 290-302). New York, NY: Praeger.
Dervin, B., Jacobson, T.
L., & Nilan, M. S. (1982 2). Measuring information seeking: A t est
of a
methodology. In M. Burgoon (Ed.), Communication Yearbook: Vol. 6, (pp.
4l9-444). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books.
Dervin, B., & Voigt, M. (Eds.). (1982 3). Progress in Communication Sciences (Vol. 3). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers.
Dervin, B., Nilan, M., Krenz, C., & Wittet, S. (1982 4). When cancer strikes: How cancer patients make sense of their health situations. (Final report on Procurement Order #263-MD-102094-3 to National Cancer Institute, June). Washington, DC: National Cancer Institute.
Dervin, B. (1981 1). Mass communicating: Changing conceptions of the audience. In W. Paisley, R. Rice (Eds.), Public Communication Campaigns, (pp. 7l-87). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Annual Reviews.
* Dervin, B., Nilan, M., & Jacobson, T. (1981 2). Improving predictions of information use: A comparison of predictor types in a health communication setting. In M. Burgoon (Ed.), ommunication Yearbook: Vol. 5, (pp. 807-830). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books. [disponível para consulta]
* Atwood, R., & Dervin, B. (1981 3). Challenges to socio-cultural predictors of information seeking: A test of race vs. situation movement state. In M. Burgoon (Ed.), Communication Yearbook: Vol. 5, (pp. 549-569). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books. [disponível para consulta]
* Dervin, B. (1980 1). Communication gaps and inequities: Moving toward a reconceptualization. In B. Dervin, & M. Voigt (Eds.), Progress in Communication Sciences: Vol. 2, (pp. 73-112). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers. [disponível para consulta]
Dervin, B., Harlock, S., Atwood, R., & Garzona, C. (1980 2). The human side of information: An exploration in a health communication context. In D. Nimmo (Ed.), Communication Yearbook: Vol. 4, (pp. 59l-608). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books.
Dervin, B., & Voigt, M. (Eds.). (1980 3). Progress in Communication Sciences (Vol. 2). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers.
Dervin, B. (1980 4). Information as a user construct: The relevance of perceived information needs to synthesis and interpretation. Paper presented to the Research and Educational Practice Unit, National Institute for Education, Washington, DC. (Published as 1983-2).
Dervin, B. (1979 1). [Review of the book Public knowledge, private ignorance]. Journal of Communication, 29 (3, Summer), 232-233.
Dervin, B. (1979 2). Sense-making as a prerequisite for information equality. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, Skytop, PA, April.
Dervin, B. (1978 1). l978
T & M head's address: A critical preview of T & M research. T &
Newsletter, (Fall), 11-17.
Dervin, B. (1978 2). [Review of the book The interactional view]. Journal of Communication, 28 (3, Summer), 221-223.
Dervin, B. (1977 1). Information and referral centers. 1976 ALA Yearbook, Chicago, IL: American Library Association.
Dervin, B. (1977 2). Useful theory for librarianship: Communication, not information. Drexel Library Quarterly, 13 (3), 16-32. (Reprinted in G. Walker (Ed.), The information environment: Interactions between society and technology. Boston, MA: G. K. Hall & Co, 1991).
Dervin, B. (1977 3). [Review of the book Communication research and drug education]. Journal of Communication, 27 (4, Autumn), 212-214.
Dervin, B. (1977 4). A conceptual perspective on the information needs of urban residents. In W. E. Arnold, & J. L. Buley (Eds.), Urban communication: Survival in the city, (pp. 206-231). Cambridge, MA: Winthrop Publishers.
* Zweizig, D., & Dervin, B. (1977 5). Public library use, users, uses: Advances in knowledge of the characteristics and needs of the adult clientele of American public libraries. In M. Voigt, & M. H. Harris (Eds.), Advances in Librarianship, 7, (pp. 231-255). New York, NY: Academic Press. (Reprinted in J.Robbins-Carter (Ed.), Public librarianship: A reader. Littleton, CO: Libraries, Unlimited, 1982). [disponível para consulta na biblioteca do Grupo]
Dervin, B. (1977 6). Communicating with, not to, the urban poor. (ERIC/CUE URBAN DIVERSITY SERIES, No. 50, August l977).
Dervin, B. (1977 7). People's information: Designing information systems that communicate. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Library Association, Detroit, MI.
Dervin, B., Zweizig, D., Hall, E. P., Kwan, C., & Lalley, K. (1977 8). The development of strategies for dealing with the information needs of urban residents: Phase II: Practitioner study. (Final report on Project No. 475AH50014, Grant No. G007500617, to U.S. Office of Education, February). (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 136 791).
Dervin, B., Zweizig, D., Gray, V. A., Hall, E. P., Kwan, C., Lalley, K., Schnelle, R., & Jung, J. (1977 10). The development of strategies for dealing with the information needs of urban residents: Phase III: Applications. (Final report on Project No. 475H60039, Grant No. G007603017, to U.S. Office of Education, November). (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 136 791).
Dervin, B. (1976 1). A critique of the application of systems approaches in three T & M papers presented at the College Park convention. T & M Newsletter, (November), 11-16.
Dervin, B. (1976 2). Strategies for dealing with human information needs: Information or communication. Journal of Broadcasting, 20 (3, Summer), 323-332.
Dervin, B., & Banister, M. (1976 3). Theory has many definitions in journalism education. Journalism Educator, 31 (3, October), l0-l5.
Dervin, B. (1976 4). The everyday information needs of the average citizen: A taxonomy for analysis. In M. Kochen, & J. Donohue (Eds.), Information for the community, (pp. l9-38). Chicago, IL: American Library Association.
Dervin, B. (1976 5). Designing everyday coping information services: Data needs for communication planning. Paper presented at the East-West Communication Institute, Honolulu, HI, October.
Dervin, B., Zweizig, D., Banister, M., Gabriel, M., Hall, E. P., & Kwan, C. (1976 6). The development of strategies for dealing with the information needs of urban residents: Phase I: Citizen study. (Final report on Project No. L0035Ja, Grant No. OEG-0-74-7308, to U.S. Office of Education, April). (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 125 640).
Dervin, B. (1975 1). Strategies for dealing with the information needs of urban residents: Information or communication? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Stamm, K. R., Dervin, B., & Laing, R. (1975 2). Applying communication research to environmental policy decisions: Seattle's solid waste planning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism, Theory and Methodology Division, Ottawa, Canada.
Dervin, B. (1973 1). The information needs of urban residents: A conceptual context. In E. Warner, A. Murray, & V. Palmer (Eds.), The information needs of urban residents, (Report by the Regional Planning Council of Baltimore and Westat Research, Inc. of Rockville, Maryland, under Contract #OEC-0-71-4555 to the U.S. Office of Education, Washington, DC, April). (Revised version published as 1976-2).
Dervin, B. (1973 2). The U.S. low-income urban village: An information vacuum? In W. Griffith (Ed.), Literacy Discussion, 4 (3, September), (pp. 237-250). Teheran, Iran: UNESCO and Government of Iran, International Institute of Adult Literacy Methods.
Dervin, B., & Greenberg, B. S. (1972 1). The communication environment of the urban poor. In G. Kline, & P. Tichenor (Eds.), Current perspectives in mass communication research: Vol. 1, (pp. 195-233). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Annual Reviews of Communication Research.
Dervin, B. (1971 1). Communication behaviors as related to information control behaviors of black, low-income adults. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Dervin, B. (1970 1). Library service to the disadvantaged: Some leads from social science. Florida Libraries, 21 (4, December), l50-l53.
Greenberg, B. S., & Dervin, B. (1970 2). Mass communication among the urban poor. Public Opinion Quarterly, 34 (2, Summer), 224-235 (Reprinted in A. Wells. (1972). Mass media and society, Palo Alto, CA: National Press Books (pp. 265-272).
Greenberg, B. S., & Dervin, B. (1970 3). The role of the mass media for urban poor adults. In B. S. Greenberg, B. Dervin, Use of the mass media by the urban poor, (pp. 3-30). New York, NY: Praeger Publishers.
Dervin, B., Greenberg, B. S., Bowes, J., & Curley, M. (1970 4). Summary of related research findings. In Greenberg. B. S, & B. Dervin, Use of the mass media by the urban poor, (pp. 89-126). New York, NY: Praeger Publishers.
Dervin, B., Bowes, J., & Greenberg, B. S. (1970 5). Annotated bibliography on communication and the poor. In B. S. Greenberg, & B. Dervin, Use of the mass media by the urban poor, (pp. 127-252). New York, NY: Praeger Publishers.
Greenberg, B. S., & Dervin, B. (1970 6). Use of the mass media by the urban poor. New York, NY: Praeger Publishers.
Greenberg, B. S., Dervin, B., & Dominick, J. (1968 1). Do people watch television or programs: A measurement problem. Journal of Broadcasting, 12 (4, Fall), 367-376.
Dervin, B. (1965 1). The
spender syndrome: Case studies of 68 families and heir consumer problems.
Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Extension.
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